Guide to Writing a Case Report

     During your medical career, you are inevitably bound to be faced with the job of writing a case report, whether for publication, presentation or simple departmental filing. We wanted to give a brief outline of the structure and contents of a case report to authors, so as to facilitate the whole process. This is mainly a guide to follow.


     Every paper should begin with the objective which is the essential part of the case report. You must justify your reasons for reporting such a case. Next, you need to briefly summarize the case, including the chief complaint, pertinent findings and management of the patient. This should not be more than a few lines.


     Here you will review the literature related to your case. You need to research journals, books, websites, etc. which have pertinant information and case reports similar to your own and then give a brief summary of what you have collected. You need to include references for the information obtained. At the end, you must repeat your objective in a line or two to emphasize the importance of the case.


     Now, you come to the details of the case.You should include a detailed history, physical findings in the examination, investigations that were performed and results, management, outcome of the patient and the follow-up. You need  to be as clear as possible and avoid all abbreviations and terms that are locally used. Always restrict yourself to international standards.


     In this section, you will discuss your case in comparison to the cases reported in other centers that you researched and wrote about in the introduction. You need to mention how your case differs from others. You should review the various pertinant studies and put down the references.


     You are trying to convey a message to your reader with this report, so the conclusion should be clear and carry the message across.


     You are required to put down all  the references that you consulted to prepare this case report. The number should not exceed ten and not less than five references for a case report.